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    31 March 2010


    hii i was in good mood today.

    but now i am in badmood. im out of the mood to tell wht hapen today. just wanna to say tht today paper just okay and lil bit susah kan.

    oh yeah this sunday ill be going to SETIABUDI which is sekolah helmi. i cant wait to meet isya but at the same time im confused. there are few of my girlfriends wanna come with me. idk lahh mcm mana. its like 5 or 6 of them.

    yeah , i miss S badly. he text me tht he going to call me tapi my phone tak bunyi lansung. im lil bit frust lahh. ahh nvm , i just have to focus on my study. esok science and geo.

    byebye , tkcare kawan ! wish me luck pleasee :|

    ♥ layla

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