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    31 July 2011

    selamat datang Ya Ramadhan.

    ahlan wasahlan ya ramdhan.

    ya Allah ya tuhanku ,
    aku bersyukur kepadaMU, aku dipanjangkan umur untuk bertemu dengan bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini untuk kesekian kalinya. aku memohon kepadaMU, jadikan lah Ramadhan ini suatu bulan yang engkau redhai ke atasku ya Allah.

    ya tuhanku yang maha mengerti,
    jadikan lah aku seorang yang melalakukan ibadahMU dengan sempurna tanpa mengharapkan balasan di dunia ini ya Allah. berkatilah aku sepanjang aku menjalani ibadah puasaku ya tuhan.

    ya muhaimin yang maha memelihara,
    kuatkan lah semangat dan azamku untuk terus beribadah kepadamu. berikanlah aku kegigihan untuk bertahan selama sebulan demi beribadah kepadamu. engkau yang maha penyayang dan maha melindungi hambaMU.

    ya Samad ,
    kau jadikan lah aku seorang yang sabar menahan diri dari makan dan minum serta tempatkan aku dalam golongan orang yang sentiasa jauh daripada melakukan perbuatan maksiat.

    amin amin ya rabbal amin.

    love, laila.

    24 July 2011

    flying colours

    you can call it as bad news for short term and a very good news for a long term period. i really am hoping that i could score straight A's for PMR. insyaallah. wish me luck for my trial next week. i pray for the best.

    starting from this year ( 2011 ) A is 80 % and above.

    love, laila

    19 July 2011

    looked, smiled , talked

    i was at the bus stop. sitting alone while pika was dating with her ' bf ' . i just looked around since i have no one to talk to. at the cross of the road, groups of senior were talking or whtsoever. i didnt care. i glanced at whoever caught my eyes. while wrinkled. and minutes later, there were a guy who was carried by someone-who-i-dont-care by a motorcycle. at first i didnt see him. i was busy looked around. well i am an observer. tap ! i saw him and he was looking at me then i quickly gazed from looking at him. i glanced at pika and she smiled. HAHAHA since then she said my face has changed reaction. from wrinkling -----> smiling :D

    i didnt look at him since then. i totally freaked out. depan saya , ada kedai pakmat. the one who use motorcycle to sell foods kind of thing. ramai students belilah, of course. someone was coming to me. dekat macam ade gaya nak bercakap dgn saya. tarraa ! it's him. sat next to me and of course ade gap HAHAHA. he talked to me later. shocked type of face i showed. this is crazy, really.

    i cannot stop smiling after that. i told my friends and they were 'ecececeh ' me. i guess you guys can predict what i feel now. dah tak boleh nak cerita habis. oh btw, it happened yesterday :D

    *sorry cant updates often guys. tkcare

    love, laila

    13 July 2011

    reasons to

    as usual, im still awake. ive had enough sleep. i slept from 5 pm something sampai pukul 1 pagi baru bgn. yeaaa cs the day before i just had 2hours of sleep. mana cukup so i skipped extra class balik and tidur ahaaa. then tadi bgn , mandi bagi fresh and eat then i did geo's hwk.

    ive do alot of thinking sort of berangan jugalah haha. ive decided to go to boarding school. i mean really lots of thinking. kadang kadang terfikir taknak but when it comes to longterm punye masa rasa it really is worth it.

    let say if i make it to MRSM or another boarding school chances untuk dpt scholarship pergi overseas high kot. cs i really wanted to study in oversea and still do. tapi it isnt that easy, i have to study hard and for the beginning kene score for PMR. me and the girls, pika chud and robi decided to go to the same boarding school which is Sekolah Menengah Sains Selangor but i dont mind if going to another school as long as sekolah itu sekolah berasrama.

    another reason is i have to be independent and taknak berganting dengan sesiappa. yeaaaa dan selain itu saya nak belajar saving.eventho umie cakap saya ni tidaklah seboros kaklong tapi still, saya rasa mcm pemboros gile. terutama bab bab membeli makanan. darn it i said it.

    i guess that is all for this time. insyaallah post another time. oh im sorry for the lack updates too. bai tkcare !


    09 July 2011

    political view of mine

    well its been awhile since i made it here. i aint busy. i am just a bit lazy and tryin' to get away from the internet . i rarely spending time for internet lately. cos i was busy trying to get my head on PMR but i actually did not. me apologise okay ?

    alhamdulillah everything has been good with my life, so far.wuuu study ? i didnt study very often or in other words i didnt study at all. well ofcourse i did at school. argh it get me tenses when talk about studying. lets drop it.

    serious talk, i dont have ideas to blog. oh today has been a real hectic day in KL. everyone in BERSIH was busy rallying while the goverment sittin there watching the citizens gets all wet. it really dissapointed me on how the goverment treats our people. not just today . but before and might be forever if we dont fight for malaysians right.

    ahaa im talking politics. i guess nobody knows that actually i really into politics thing. me and umie talks about politic every single day. it is soo interesting with the drama, the corruption , the rasuah and all that. what makes it more interesting when actually umie's name is also rusmah but ofcourse with the differ spell. sweet life.

    sekarang there is no more freedom of movement in KL. pagi tadi all jalan in KL were blocked by the police. however, i did find this perhimpunan makes malaysians all united. being one as malaysians. not by the names tapi as a true malaysians. i thought many people didnt realise what is happening with our country but i was wrong.

    i will pray and keep on praying that someday those freak people who leads the country with wrong purpose will have to step back. Allah is the greatest. nobody knows what will happen next. insyaallah , keep on praying.

    i wouldnt surprise if police arrest me. haha i talk like imma real expert in politics . ahh how i wish there would be about politics in exam. it is fun though. i assume ramai yg menyampah dgn i cos i talk politics. but who cares.

    ' who wants to lead the country if teenagers never care what is happening ? teenagers are precious and valueble to our nation. we are the future right ? '

    love, laila