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    23 December 2011

    The results

    I always have trouble with what to write to start an update. is it with hello ? or with an apology ? or maybe with telling you how wonderful my life has been ? yes, i know. i sucks but who the heck cares anyway ? Well, hello to the hommies and strangers. I apoligize for being such a lazy ass. hehehe :3

    I've been busy. Busy with my life. I've turned into a housewife this holiday or should i called myself a "bibik" ? cs i really am busy sweeping the floor, cleaning the mess in the house, washing the dishes and other stuff. Other than that, this holiday treats me well. Except for the fact that i've been so anxious and nervous waiting for the results to come out. It has been a month that fulls with curiousity and such. I prayed for the goods. I want to be proud and i want to make my parents proud.

    And alhamdulillah, He listens to me. I know i've done my best. My very best. I think, i've put more effort than everyone else did. Ayah and umie also have tried given their best for my success. Alhamdulillah, i got straight A's but sadly i didnt manage to get up to the stage cs i reached sch a bit late. All thanks to maksu cs she's the one who accompanied me there. I was fuqin nervous and i hit the door.

    I thanked Allah for everything He has given me. Alhamdulillah. Also thanks to the teacher, the friends, the classmates, the seniors and semua semua. I'm so blessed :) so i shall off now. Looking forward to a good start for a new year. Takecare everyone xx

    love, laila.