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    27 May 2010

    kenapa lah , haih

    aku taknak , aku taknak balik kalau boleh. kenapa lah perlu balik. kenapa tak tunggu sampai holiday 2 weeks tu ?

    hmm dahlah skrg exam week. need to study really hard lah kalau nak jadi top5 kan ? its my goal kot hee. kalau top10 pon takpe kot ;) tapi masalah skrg , esok cuti dan mlm ni umie dgn ayh nak balik kg tgk tuk. dahlah ade kerja kursus nak buat , nak study dah lah sej lemah semua haduh. taknak balik tapi dah terpakse nak buat mcm mana.

    aku hari ni exam math . paper 1 was quite easy kot. tapi paper 2 was killing me. its soo difficult but okay lah sama je dgn level ktorg study tu :) oh yeah and hari ni ade bad news and at first aku rasa down gile duhh dgr bnde tu tapi lepastuu okay sbb aku fikir lahh takpelahh.

    duhh aku nak siap kemas beg mandi sembahyang semua. balik kg sungai petani , kedah 3 hari :|

    ♥ layla

    24 May 2010

    2 happy days ♥

    jumaat, 21 may 2010 :
    sekolah ade buat merentas desa dan aku menyertainya. sungguh penat nak mati omg . aku rasa mcm haduh usus perut nak terkeluar sbb rasa gile sakitt. oyeah ktorg lari excited semua pukol 8 30 like tht and arrived sekolah mcm 9 20 tu haa. lama dohh .

    tapi act it was a fun experince kot plus dgn all my friends and ade sorg mamat duhh hot dia kejar semua org kan haha and ktorg lari dgn dia auww hahahahaha. duh dia batch aku tapi dia kinda hot guy kot. mesti ramai admire haha ^.^

    semua budak kene balik 10 mcm tu sbb ptg ade sekolah lagi tapi aku lepak rumah ayu dan 12 30 baru pulang. sempat krohh krooh lagi kot hee. and ptg tu belajar sebelum rehat dan lepas rehat aku dan certain certain classmates tak belajar sbb tolong cikgu kemas khemah utk esoknye , open day yay !

    oyeah disebabkan aku pemalas jadi aku edit mcm ni dan terus upload sekali byk. harap nampak lah semua gambar gedik kami haa ;)

    sabtu , 22 may 2010 :
    okay sabtu pulak ado penyampaian anugerah cemerlang tapi aku tak dpt -.- dan sekali dgn open day . aku gerak like 8 30 something tapi dah kene bebel dgn kwn damn . aku dah ckp aku gerak lambat sikit yelah aku kan manager putuihh .

    pagi pagi dah hujan , ohh takpe org kata hujan rahmat dan 11 mcm tu dah cerah dan sgtt ramai org dan gerai kami untung ye wak hee. yeah first dtg mcm aku duduk gerai jadi cashier tolong sikit lepas hujan dah stop terus berjalan ehh kan dah ckp aku manager hahaha

    lepastuu haziq serta latif datang dan buat kecoh omg dia kerek semua ahha. lepak semua dgn dorg dan fara dtg . alaa ramai lah dtg tkkn nak sebut semua nama weii -.- tapi yellow tak dtg , nak ajk mcm mana tgh gaduh :(

    aku tak tolong dkt gerai tapi aku kelaur gerai dan jual semua , kire mcm aku suroh org beli dgn paksaan ah haha. wei seronk kot dpt tegur org yg kite tak kenal lagi lagi abg hot semua wow hahaha . lepastuu lepak semua balik 3 lebih. best gileee omg entah sgt best walaupon yellow takde :( ni sedih ni :((

    dan org malas lagi haha

    *sory aku update lambat ;)
    ♥ layla

    21 May 2010

    trend akhir zaman

    It's a trend nowadays that many muslim Malaysian women are into the new hijab wearing i.e. wearing a shawl-like syrian style hijab. I posted on my Fb status recently stating that I too, would want to wear the syrian women hijab style with high bun but unfortunately my hair is short thus cannot tie or do a bun at all.I also received few suggestions to buy fake buns online or at Arzu, KLCC.

    I used to study in an arabic-medium school and had learned that when you wear tudung, you're not supposed to show any indication that your hair is long by tying your hair really high/do a bun until men can notice the presence of your long hair eventhough you wear your cover/hijab. That defeats the purpose of wearing a hijab.However, I can't remember the hukum whether it's haram or harus or makruh.

    Being curious, I googled about this sanggul arab issue and found the hadith related:

    “ akan muncul dalam kalangan umatku di akhir zaman, kaum lelaki yang menunggang sambil duduk di atas pelana, lalu mereka turun di depan pintu-pintu masjid. Wanita-wanita mereka( isteri mereka atau anak perempuan), berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang ( nipis&ketat). Di atas kepala mereka pula(wanita) terdapat bonggolan (sanggul atau tocang) seperti bonggol unta yang lemah gemalai. Oleh itu laknatlah mereka semua. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang terlaknat”- hadith riwayat Ahmad, jil.2, ms. 223.

    Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:

    “dua golongan penghuni neraka yang mana aku sendiri belum pernah melihat keadaan mereka didunia: golongan yang membawa cemeti seperti seekor lembu lalu menggunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan juga kaum wanita yang berpakaian seperti bertelanjang, menggoyangkan badan dan berlenggang-lenggok, kepala mereka ada suatu seperti bonggol di kepala unta yang bergoyang-goyang. Mereka tentu tidak akan memasuki syurga atau mencium baunya sedangkan bau syurga itu dapat dihidu dari jarak perjalanan begitu dan begini”

    –hadith riwayat Muslim. Hadith no 212-

    I would say that I was tempted at first as I saw some women/celebraties/tv presenters looked really pretty wearing the syrian style hijab with high sanggul/bun. Sometimes, bila nak cantik, manusia selalu lupa pada hukum walaupon dah belajar.I am one of them. Bila nak buat benda jahat, laju je.
    Anyway, in wearing hijab,niat perlukah menghalalkan cara? I dare not jatuhkan hukum or say that it is haram wearing the fake sanggul arab.However,at the moment, I'll just forget about buying the sanggul arab thingy.

    take it from here

    i know , aku pon sanggul omg tinggi but idk. aku ingat kan org sambil berpesan pada diri sendiri.

    20 May 2010

    confused ;(

    aku dlm dilema antara dua org. cehh dilema geli nye ayt aku.

    okay okay aku confused nak pilih siapa mcm aku ckp semalam. kalau aku nak amik dua dua boleh ? baru lah happy ending kan ♥

    tapi skrg setiap hari aku excited nak pergi sekolah sbb nak tgk abg tu. mmg aku tahu aku gatal dann perasan abg tu lambai dkt aku. tapi aku ttp suke.

    ♥ layla

    19 May 2010

    yellow vs blue

    aku dah gile skrg ni. maksud aku dah angau haih entah lah. tapi this guy makes my heartbeats running. betapa hebatnya penangan dia kan.tapi sayang , dia ramai admire. aku ni siapa lah kan. cehh humble gile padahal aku nak jugak hee.

    mmg aku ni dah gile sbb dulu gilee psl yellow lepastuu salah faham here and there semua dgn dia . then aku rasa dia mcm tak suke dah dkt aku. mcm siapa-kau-aku-tak-pernah-kenal-kau-pon dohh. its like ive to wait sampai 1000 years. kwn aku ade ckp okay good dah boleh lupe dkt dia but ade certain tu ckp alaa jgn lah korg dah lah cute. kau in love gile dkt dia. sayang relationship tu putus mcm tu. tapi nak buat mcm mana kau tanya ? dia dah tak suke. aku nak terhegeh hegeh buat ape. ive to move on . yeah yeah !

    and now its all abt mr BLUE. idk whts wrong with me but hes so freaking hottay babe evn a bit dark kan. but its okay its just outside tapi aku pon tak tahu dia mcm mana. ya allah ya tuhan aku act in dilema.

    its like , kalau yellow ive to wait tapi aku percaya ade happy ending , cehh haha. tapi kalau dgn blue mcm entah lah dia ramai gile admire so the best women wins kan. haa idk how to describe lah. its so so complicated lahh.

    tapi for now aku nakd kt blue sbb dia hott. tapi kwn aku ckp eh takkk tipu yellow lagi hot weii. ahha entah tapi blue ni cute. omg cube sebut im in love jadi am in love hahaha.

    ♥ layla

    17 May 2010

    happy teachers day , teacher ♥ and blue

    omgee , ya tuhan rasa nak simpan memori hari ni dlm hati elok elok , cari mangga dan campak kunci sampai lubang cacing biar tk terkeluar. aku rasa aku org paling gembira kalau ade event mcm ni dkt skolah. maulidur rasul dulu pon mcm ni kan :)

    pagi pagi pyqa dan zaty dh dtg then 10 minutes later gerak ke sekolah. hadui dkt sekolah , semua dah beratur . okay then ba bla bla. skrg tibelah masa ucapan ucapan semua. okay okay

    lets the pictures tells

    yeah our principal. she's hot. trust me babe.

    haha i've no idea who is this but he's the one yg give speech.

    the guys yg omg-bising-nak-mati-time-bagi-hadiah-semua. ftw !

    and yeah dikir barat . they awesome weii !

    times to played the game yeah cikgu cikgu :)

    band hape entah but seriously their perfomance were so funny .

    i post this cz the two 'girls' in the sch uniform is act our teacher. they like so cute.

    and yeah our mommy ceh ceh. cikgu huda ♥

    im sorry friends cz just this je boleh post. if you guys wanna see more pictures pergi fb atau click je tuu. and my classmates pon suroh post the pictures here tapi kau tahu lah kan kalau aku byk sgt nanti mati lah aku punye teet . tgk dkt fb je tauu. sorry -.- there's a lot of pictures but i just post this as generaly . so just click this .

    and now i can forgot about you yellow. i mean like not all things abt you. but now im not often lah cerita abt you kan. its good for me and for you , aint ? and i am so happy cz i've meet someone yg can make my hearts pounds. i dont think he knows im exist kot haa. but but entahlah but im crazy abt him. and ill call him as blue okay ? he's my senior and omg i have his pictures. and his smile makes me melt like an icecream lah weiii . thts the happy parts but the bad part is my sister act have his number tapi dia taknak bagi sbb dia kata nanti kau gile bayang . haihh -.-

    ♥ layla

    14 May 2010

    always my imigination friend(s)

    hi night .

    now ive two imigination friends. first is him and sec is my species gemuk buntal tapi tinggi , mata bulat mcm botol azie dan warna kuning. dia cute dan sgttt gagah. idk whts his name lahh nak letak. help me ?

    im so happy today. nowdays kan my imigination side kan dah jadi makin strong and stronger. mcm boleh imagine out of the box. haha mcm mana nak ckp eh ? tadi kene tulis esei psl mimpi menakutkan and had to use the imigination lah kan. so ive got an idea yg sgt mcm pelik kot. but i think its interesting kot (!) ill tell ya later.

    oh yeah and everyday i will pretend tht ' he' always there besides me. its sweet but some of my classmates call me crazy sbb mcm ckp sensorg and gelak. but now its not just me okay , pieqa and chud have ' it ' too. wait wait dont call me crazy. anything will happen kalau kau dah really in love haa. so called me miss-so-in-love. oh yeah it happened last week kot.

    yeah i know im being silly lately. it just because i had a broken heart ceh haha . seriously i always smile and laughing but deep inside my heart , its just broken . damn idk lah how to describe. always mengadu dkt kwn i miss him i miss him tapi they cant do nothing.

    so i keep pretend im stronger and cool outside. wish me luck ! okay lah . its already 1 03 am . so better im off now. love ya.

    yeah yeah next week gonna be such a busy-dizzy week lah. a lot of sch activities dah plan for next week. so tadaa and then the other week ill be facing my midterm. so no blogging for 2 weeks ceh haha.

    ♥ layla

    13 May 2010

    why i is so hard for me and for you ?

    friends they always make my day. laughing talking screaming together and always together. i just wanaa say I LOVE THEM TRULY DEEPLY ♥

    idk why , its been 2 weeks ++ dah kte tak bertegur. why it is so hard for you to understand me ?why it is so hard to give me forgiveness ?why it is so hard to forget things about you ? why it is so hard for me ?

    i hope one day you will forgive me and we can be like we used to be. I MISS and always miss .

    ♥ layla

    11 May 2010

    imigination friends

    hello friends

    had a tiring day but im happy happy happy. just tired. ohh my girlfriends pon ade imigination friends. OMG semua gila and in love. haha i loike okayy. haha dah jadi gilee sebab terlampau mengharap.

    ♥ layla

    09 May 2010

    hi yellow , i just miss you

    hi hari ni aku rasa nak cerita psl yellow haa boleh ?

    dah nama dia yellow sebenarnye bukan yellow yg aku pernah letak gambar dkt blog dgn dia. ini yellow sbb huruf Y , okay ? err mcm aku dah tahu dia exist and so on tu dah a year plus plus myb. and start rapat oct 2009 and kalau tak gaduh kan seronk . almost 7 months mcm tu rapat. and 27 dec he confess , he likes me. kalau aku ckp ..

    omg idk whether this is a good idea to express my feeling atau ape tapi i hope yg you are reading this. you sweet , caring , and mcm , entah tapi i dont care wht types of guy are you . you makes me crazy dohh. haa mmg dulu mcm i not ready for this. tapi you kata ape i tak ingat. i dah suke you mase tuu.

    mule mule myspace/ym , lepastuu texted. satu mlm , i dkt luar . you suroh i onl myspace. i tanya you siapa you ckp you . mule mule i kedekut nak mcg dgn you sbb mahal. i suroh you tukar number tapi you ckp nanti. i pon tak kisah. lama lama dah jadi routine. selalu mcg walau takde topic kite ttp texted walaupon send smiley pon. i dah suke you masa tuu.

    berapa bulan myspace/ym , berapa bulan lagi texted , berapa bulan lagi on the phone. kite selalu otp sampai suboh haa. kite otp lama gilee. you nak tgk tv tapi still tknk hang the phone. due due tgk tv sambil letak fon dkt telinga. lepastuu kalau takde topic kite tekan tekan the number tuu. i dah suke you masa tuu.

    masa tu semua 7 bulan lepas. skrg kalau aku ckp ape ape pon mcm nothing different. i want you to know this , i love you and skrg kite gaduh kan ? kesian you kene tahan hati sbb i ni suke ckp psl mamat hot padahal semua tipu. you selalu tulis ' jealous kot -.- ' .

    i rindu semua tuuuuuuu. rindu nak mati. skrg i ckp ape ape pon you tak balas. dan i rase you dah tak suke i . and dah ade perempuan lagi hotttttt. *cehh nak ckp aku hot lahh tu haha

    i ingat sampai skrg , i tanya your dream girl mcm mana ? you jwb mcm you :D

    ♥ layla

    most amazing mother

    umie , happy mother's dayy
    your loves like a hearts need a beat.
    your love makes me feel secure
    your love is my air.

    you gave me everything
    everything i need
    everything i want
    everything i dont need
    you spend your time , energy , money and all just for us, for you kids :D

    even im not a perfect daughter,
    most stubborn and over daughter ,
    or even im annoying and always hurts your heart
    even im shy to said this in front of you
    deep inside my heart , i wishing you happy Mother's Day

    you are the most amazing women ive ever want in my life
    i love you deeply umie ♥

    ♥ layla

    04 May 2010

    damn you

    tulis sambil ade kumpulan baju merah yg sedang terbakar dlm hati !!!!

    im sorry ! aku manusia and mausia tak lari dari buat silap. sama jugak sbb aku manusia. aku menyesal kenal dgn engkau. damnn aku menyesal sgt.

    sbb engkau dia jealous and ktorg teros mcm ni. mmg silap aku lyn kau dulu. hes ignoring me and kau boleh lagi like relax . yelah sbb aku ckp this all happenned bcs of me. aku tak tahu tapi engkau ni pandai mengayat perempaun. sumpah aku rasa nak turn back time so then i can fix all things i do wrong.

    sbb engkau jugak aku gaduh and shes like mad at me. silap aku lyn kauuuuuuuu. aku menyesal. aku dah tknk ade ape ape connectiond dgn kau. aku sedar , kalau dulu aku tak baik dgn kau. aku biar je tak lyn engkau ckp psl dia. aku tkkn ade masalah dgn dua org. dua org yg aku sayang , yang aku perlu , yang aku sayanggggg !!

    skrg aku menyesal. aku dah tak baik , aku dah hilang dua org ni. dua org yg aku perlu sgt. damn i wishh i can turn back time. please god :((

    *tak gune phone. aku off sbb tak siapa yg penting selain dua org ni. please

    ♥ layla

    03 May 2010

    warisan wanita terakhir

    hii saya in love dgn lagu ni lepas dgn iwan nyanyi cz melodi like boleh masuk kot dgn saye ehee. cehh saye pulak -.-

    and saye pon mmg tgh in love. auww jgn lah kutuk tapi mmg kot. hahaha hari ni isnin and isnin hari sekolah. so pagi tadi aku sekolah dan dekat sekolah best gilee , at least ade jugak buat aku gelak dan rasa mcm nak mati sbb sakit perut gelak haha.

    ceh ceh ceh budak layla ni in love . derr entah tapi tgh rindu like crazy. em byee. layan ahh lagu warisan wanita. cute cute dia punye lirik :)

    ♥ layla

    01 May 2010

    cehh aku rasa besar ahh

    hi selamat malam babayyyy :D

    hari ni omg jgn ckp mmg happy gile haha. i mean like aku seronok gilee. went to klcc with helmi and his friends. haa semua classmates dia and aku the only girl and like kakak dkt situ haha. as ktorg dah sampai there , pergi a&w and thought there was a birthday party tapi takde so si kwn kwn dia pergi jalan and like merayau satu klcc . hah bak kata akmal mcm buat marahon dkt klcc.

    and pergi sana dgn 6 budak kenit wahh padahal ade yg lg tinggi kot hha. err their nama tak tahu betol ke tak. aizat , khairul , akim , zaeman , akmal omg sorg budak aku lupe nama dia haha. and of course adik kesayangan ceh ceh haha.

    lepas dah hbs mkn tu dorg nak lepak burger king and aku mengekor je haha. and dkt sana rasa mcm they all yg gelak ckp semua kuat nak mati. lepastuu the girls dtg , lawak gile kot eh ni kakak zul eh eh . aku jadi like yeah his sister.

    lepak an hour then gerak pergi TGV and beli popcorn and masuk cinema around 2 30 like tht. habis je pukol 5 kot and dpt hall 1 and budak budak tu masyaALLAH kau tahu dorg beli popcorn tak boleh sikit lepastuu nak baling baling. haih ckp pulak kan jugak bagi the all ppl dlm cinema tu dgr. haih tapi aku seronok gile walaupon at first rasa mcm alamak-aku-perempuan-sorg-dah-lah-lain-tu-kecik haha

    and hell yeah ironman 2 was freaking awesome mannn :D and robert downey jr , i love you mann . hot gile kau dah lah kaya lepastuu suke suke hati derma brg brg brg mahal mahal dkt org. ceit haha

    oh lepastu dah keluar tu pergi jalan jalan lagi sampai semua level nak explored and semua tu kan. last last aku dgn helmi lepak dkt burger king jee :) dah hbs mkn terus balik tak jumpe budak budak tu lg dah sbb dorg pergi travel bhgn luar pulak.

    guys thnks dohh . tak sempat ckp thnks tadi evn mule mule tgk semua mcm ehh malu ahh dgn akk ni haha. and dorg selalu ckp ' buat lawak je kau ' . and aizat mmg buat lawak betol time jatuh gedebuk aku tak boleh tahan gelak sampai sakit perut ahahahahha

    ♥ layla